rings. rings. rings.

found reflector ring

acid green filigree ring

bullet ring in lipstick red


*found coral ring

*no living coral animals were harmed to make this ring. this coral is natural washed ashore and specially selected while beach combing by me or in some cases pieces have been sent to me by friends or individuals doing the same.

 neon strawberry plastic: layered (1 part toy/1 part repurposed plexi)

candy colored neckaces...

mutli colored teal, neon yellow green & seafoam necklace

repurposed reflector, plastic from a toy lego, vintage glass

multi colored pink, orange & bright yellow collage necklace

vintage button, repurposed plastic plexiglass, vintage glass beads & filament

azurite color bar necklace

azurite color bar necklace: available on etsy.

glass & oxidized sterling silver

engagement rings

2ct half ballas raw black diamond engagement ring. made with 14kt palladium white gold with a hammered matte surface.

contour wedding band made especially for this garnet engagement ring. oxidized sterling silver

hemimorphite double pendant

hemimorphite double pendant with beach glass: love this hemi drusy!!!

new necklaces...

vesuvinite & sterling

vintage button, glass beads, filament, ruby & sterling

cavanasite & sterling

vintage glass & sterling


new necklaces...

hemimorphite drusy pendant necklace....this stone is super rad!!!!

vintage webbed glass pendant necklace

i'm super excited about the new horizontal orientation of these babies.

white gold rings...

14kt palladium white gold stacking wedding rings with a tiny 2mm white diamond and 1.5mm black diamond. diamonds are ethically mined. LOVE the darker gray color of the palladium white gold.

aquamarine engagement ring

pear shaped aquamarine engagement ring in oxidized sterling. this aqua is 9.5mm x 7mm.

3mm & 4mm black spinel & oxidized sterling engagement ring

new necklaces...

epidote with apophylite crystals

recycled glass, vintage glass

mitosis teal agate & vintage ceramic bead

new necklaces.....

aqua triple pendant necklace: hemimorphite drusy, limpet shell, found windshield glass

poppy orange double pendant necklace: vintage glass

acid green triple pendant necklace: vintage glass

raspberry triple pendant necklace: vintage velvet button, glass beads, filament, ruby

cotton candy single pendant necklace: glass

poppy single pendant necklace: vintage glass

heirloom ring

green amethyst, sapphire & sterling

i made this ring for a new mama. the green amethyst is symbolic of the babies name and the sapphire is both mama and babies birthstone. i loved making this ring for this awesome mama and her very sweet daughter.

if you are interested in a similar ring for yourself let me know. varying stones & metals are available based on your interest and personal story.