delicious berry triple pendant necklace: vintage glass, glass beads, filament, ruby
and an acid green triple pendant necklace: vintage glass
delicious berry triple pendant necklace: vintage glass, glass beads, filament, ruby
and an acid green triple pendant necklace: vintage glass
"spring green orbit earrings" in oxidized sterling silver and vintage glass beads
"bright orange orbit earrings" : oxidized sterling silver and vintage glass beads
"candy blue orbit earrings" : oxidized sterling silver and vintage glass beads
"neon yellow orbit earrings" : oxidized sterling silver and vintage glass beads
"jet black orbit earrings" : oxidized sterling silver and vintage glass beads
"red hot orbit earrings" : oxidized sterling silver and vintage glass beads
double stone found coral and mother of pearl button ring. the little button is from my late grandma fisher's button stash. i have vivid memories of sitting at her kitchen table and sifting thru her button tin. she didn't think they were anything special but i felt like it was christmas morning that she let me put a little keep pile together. she would always greet me with, "well, jaime jo!!!!" when i would walk in her front door. i could hear the joy in her voice to see me. she taught me how to quilt when they were still living on the farm (now my parents place). love and miss you gram.
pale icy seafoam box drop earrings
dark turquoise box drop earrings
champagne box drop earrings
acid green box drop earrings
all of these earrings above are made with these amazing glass beads hand made in ghana by indigenous folks that have done it for many many years. they are made of crushed glass bottles. they have an old world feel to them unlike commercial beads. i love them so much. more colors coming soon.
found reflector ring
acid green filigree ring
bullet ring in lipstick red
*found coral ring
*no living coral animals were harmed to make this ring. this coral is natural washed ashore and specially selected while beach combing by me or in some cases pieces have been sent to me by friends or individuals doing the same.
neon strawberry plastic: layered (1 part toy/1 part repurposed plexi)
engagement & wedding ring set for a very lucky her!!!
.72ct. rose cut white diamond (5.7mm) & a wee tiny black diamond (1.6mm) in an asymmetrical design in oxidized sterling silver
this one was pretty hard to part with. rose cuts of this scale are stunning!!!!!
both rings are available on my etsy page
heirloom ring: aquamarine & chocolate diamond, sterling silver in a filed matte finish
engagement ring: rhodolite garnet, oxidized sterling silver
aqua triple pendant necklace: hemimorphite drusy, limpet shell, found windshield glass
poppy orange double pendant necklace: vintage glass
acid green triple pendant necklace: vintage glass
raspberry triple pendant necklace: vintage velvet button, glass beads, filament, ruby
cotton candy single pendant necklace: glass
poppy single pendant necklace: vintage glass
vintage glass, sterling silver