a quick shot of my display pieces while setting up for Cherrywood Art Fair a few months ago. THESE colors.
pink & orange
in love with this throw!!!
source unknown. anyone?
I am pretty well obsessed with small tattoos and have decided to get one in the near future. I have gone through a lot of emotional changes over the past 8 or so months and have been emerging a new and more grounded person. It would be a beautiful thing to honor this new transformation with a small, simple tattoo. To be continued...
picture found here
family pic at LP's birthday party!!! such a great day & unbelievable she is the big 3!!!!!
likey like...
this pack looks rad!!! love it!!!
found here
blue hole
we went to blue hole in wimberley yesterday to celebrate our friends birthday. this little out of the way hidden gem is such a wonderful swimming hole. the best i've ever been too. i highly recommend a visit if you've never been. go early as they only allow 150 people per day. it's a little nature oasis. the water is crisp and dreamy with it's well manicured foliage and gorgeous cypress trees. what a gem!!!!! lucy had a great time too and it was so fun to see her crawl in the grass and explore.
pink pink pank!!!
art of the pot 2012
just a couple of my favorites....
you'll find amazing pots at all the stops. you can get more info on the tour here.
6 months...
been pinnin'
i am giddy for pinterest. what a fun way to catalog what you like, get inspired, and learn about rad stuff floating about the internet.. i kept seeing pinterest on several blogs i read, but, quite frankly, i always feel a bit shy on the social media front, so i was sure pinterest was something to "fear" as well, ha! boy was i mistaken! if you haven't tried pinterest give it a whirl. it's pretty fun and quite addictive. if ya wanna share in the love you can follow my pins here. OR i think you can just search my name. enjoy!!
the baggu....
5 months
the arrival of lucy plum
our little lucy plum taking a nap in our bed a few hours after she was born.
she arrived around 9:38 in the morning on august 30th. i was a full 15 days post "due date" so we were excited when the contractions began the night before. we were beyond words thankful and happy to be able to have her in our home after an adventurous-painful-sole-searching-loving-life-altering-mind-numbing-blissful-all-consuming-11 hours of labor. our little plum was finally here :O)
this weekend: maybe, possibly?
i've been wanting to go swimming for the last couple weeks and it keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the list. maybe this weekend it will be. yes, yes, yes!!!!
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