NEW in stock hottt lipstick red triple pendant necklace made with vintage glass and oxidized silver
spring green triple pendant necklace with vintage glass & prehinite with oxidized silver.
NEW in stock hottt lipstick red triple pendant necklace made with vintage glass and oxidized silver
spring green triple pendant necklace with vintage glass & prehinite with oxidized silver.
partial inventory check for the upcoming Strange Folk Festival in STL.
in pink web vintage glass
and in neon yellow
and dimpled orange teardrop vintage glass box drop earrings
acid green vintage glass single pendant necklace
quartz crystal single pendant....i love this piece so much!!!!!
lipstick red square single pendant. such a great color!!
pale icy cotton candy pink horizontal single pendant necklace
i love putting color collections together for commission orders so customers can pick the stones they want in their special piece. this was a purple sample i put together awhile back.
found reflector ring
acid green filigree ring
bullet ring in lipstick red
*found coral ring
*no living coral animals were harmed to make this ring. this coral is natural washed ashore and specially selected while beach combing by me or in some cases pieces have been sent to me by friends or individuals doing the same.
neon strawberry plastic: layered (1 part toy/1 part repurposed plexi)
blue double bump ring: vintage glass
NeW cOLoR: pink opal color bar...with a slight tinge of lavender: glass
new black steampunk bump ring with vintage glass
new pincushion ring: fabric, polyfil, thread
new seafoam bloom petite: vintage glass
olive triple pendant: sterling, vintage glass & tourmaline....that bulbous round vintage glass is wicked!!
eggshell double pendant: sterling, vintage glass, coral from phuket
tomato red double pendant: sterling & vintage glass