these were special order earrings commissioned by yogagroove (the studio where i practice bikram yoga) for an amazing woman, rajashree choudhury. it is such an honor knowing they are a gift for her. she is in austin this weekend giving a seminar on bikram yoga. rajashree is world renowned for teaching bikram hatha yoga along with her husband, bikram choudhury, the founder and master of bikram yoga.
this truly means so much to me because my bikram yoga practice and yogagroove has changed my life. in essence, it has helped me peel away the layers of myself and let go of the unneccesary brain clutter that can weigh me down on a daily basis while bringing to the surface clarity and insight into myself. clears the cobwebs out of my brain!!! at 90 minutes a class in a room heated to 105 degrees, you're sure to sweat your butt off. it really feels incredible to sweat that much. i love driving home feeling euphoric and happy that i went back for more. i have made so many great friends thru practicing yoga on a regular basis and am incredibly thankful for the encouragement from my friend christa who urged me to give it a try. after taking my first class (over 2 years ago) i was completely hooked and have been practicing since.
these sweet little "pebble earrings" are made of rose gold and about 1/8" wide.