collection of float earrings

floatearrings.jpg a few more "float earrings". i had the metal elements finished before i left for coconut grove. so i sewed up a few pillows during the show and on the plane. yep, i have a hard time sitting still. unless i am curled up with a good book or magazine and on the couch with my "couch woobie" i have a difficult time just being still without doing something with my hands. that's why i love bikram yoga because it makes me stop and be still and quiet for a significant period of time. :O) oh yay, the earrings.......

the strawberry and orange earrings are from two different rain ponchos.

the sage green pair is from a shower curtain.

and the white pair is from the child's crib sheet.

i will be posting these on my site for sale in the near future when i figure out where to put them.