"float" pillow earrings

sge-green-pillow-earrings.jpg here's my new earrings that i finished last night. the sage green "float" earrings are made of plastic from a shower curtain, polyfil, thread and sterling . i am hoping to make several more pair for my show in miami. it's getting down to the wire though....we leave (me and my girlfriend trish) on thursday, february 14th. i really need to get started on my box. i want to make one of my beaded boxes to house a tiered pillow ring in sage green.

for the last five years before the coconut grove festival in miami i have made one of my beaded sculptural boxes. all in all, the larger ones take about 50-60-ish hours between the metal work and the bead work. so, this year i decided i didn't have enough time to make one...but then, on saturday all of a sudden i had an image of a box pop in my head. YIKES or YIPPY....i'm not sure which!!! i can still make it happen but i need to hustle. for the next week and a half i will "put it in granny and GO" (a little joke between me and my late grandpa fisher...which means "DO IT...now")!!!! i still have a lot of little finishing stuff like beading tails, pricing, waxing and hopefully a few more "float" earrings. i am good at working under "show pressure" but it will be a crash course week and a half. coconut grove or bust!! yeeehah!!!