some new pieces i have been working on for the show in ann arbor. sorry for the short posting.......i wrote a really long windy one about photographing work and show applications and what i'm applying for AND it was deleted when the computer decided to show all numbers and letters on the screen. SO maybe later, i'll try to regurgitate all of it again, but for now here's a few new images of work. and then, i'm off to the studio. i'm trying to rearrange my studio hours a bit so i don't stay up until 2 or 3 am getting things for the day finished......but, i am starting today off late............there's always tomorrow, right??
vintage glass
beach pebble: this one will have sagey green stitching in the holes on the upper right..
the red one even though it has the holes in it will not have stitching. i love both the tiny hole details and the pieces with the stitching....i guess i'll have to make some pieces that have exposed hole details and also a stitched surface to satisfy my libra personality.
hope your day is peaches.......