yeah, i am on the front page of etsy this morning. yippy! thanks monicaj. i just got back into town from st. pete beach with chris in the wee hours of the morning. what a yippity thing to wake up to. we went there for our best friends jade and robert's wedding. it was such an amazing and beautiful time with many laughs, cries, & a rug cutting, feel good time. we were pretty tired when we got home but it was so worth spending the extra time with the gang yesterday and a bit more time collecting shells on the beach. i have three bags full of goodies to use in my work if the mood suits me. it felt good all the way down to my toes to splash around in the water and kick in the sand. i'll post some pics in a bit. thanks again for the front page treasury monicaj!!!!!!!!
oh if you have never searched etsy before.....quick, go check it out. my etsy page is here. i am so happy to be part of etsy. it is a wonderful online, handi-craft community.....everything from DIY to high end craft. they truly have something for every one.....and apparently to many things just for me....hahahahaha!!