last night chris took me to the austin city limits taping of tune-yards for a post mother's day date. my all time super favorite!! merrill garbo, the driving talent and genius of tune-yards appeared on stage with a poppy red dress, high waisted belt and killer green tights. umm, i already loved her, but for real!!!!! i was so overwhelmed with excitement and awe when she began rippin' it with GaNgsTa i shed a couple tears. with her refreshing drum loops and layered voice she doesn't disappoint. what an amazing night :O)
chris and i saw her for the first time at sxsw in 2008 in the backyard of okay mountain with about 30 other people. i was super psyched to be surrounded by a packed house of adoring fans. her music is nothing shy of genius. she's so deserving. we love you merrill.
a few tune-yards faves: gangsta, hatari, jamaican, fiya, bizness.