chris and i just returned from our trip to st. louis to hang out with my family and go on our annual float trip down the merimac river. as much as i love austin, there are many things i miss about living close to st. louis: * my family & remaining college friends that still live there....obviously
* the thrift stores in st. louis, namely SVDP on forest park blvd.
* carpooling with my mom to work.....but i don't miss the crummy 9-5 secretarial position....yikes!!
* the little house i lived in after i graduated from college which was the same house i grew up in. my parents held onto it just in case my sister or i needed it. yep, i needed it.
* the breath taking color in the fall & the crispy crunchy leaves by halloween.
* going to antique stores & the belleville flea market with my mom and dad
* shopping and lunch date with mom and grams on saturday morning
* india rasio, cafe natasha & sen, my three favorite restaurants there.
* being close to's such a great little town with so many amazing people and memories.
* monday nite dinner at grandma fisher's. my grandma makes dinner for the entire family on monday nites. we have to call and make reservations early in the day unless ya don't mind having pb&j if nothing is left when one arrives. sometimes there would be 18 or so people and sometimes just 4 or 5.
* the lush green of spring and summer....especially down bluff road out to my folks and sister's place.
* seeing my sister and her family grow and change as the little ones grow up.
* a healthy midwest thunderstorm
* driving thru forest park.
* the incredible architecture in the city limits.
* going to the contemporary art musuem, craft alliance, soulard market, mezzanine, the cenral west end and the loop for an afternoon.
* seeing my dad ride his horses and the farm where my folks live.
* going to b & j rockshop.
* driving down the highway and having that indescribable feeling that i am in a place of comfort and familiarity that encompasses home.