new and exciting news for me personally.......the studio where i practice bikram yoga is expanding. YiPpY!!!!!!!!!!!!! which essentially means more classes, more incredible instructors, a juice bar, a store with yoga clothes, art work by the students and a special case just for my jewelry. i am so excited. this place has changed my life in such a big way. if anyone out there is at all interested in yoga and has never tried it i highly recommend bikram yoga. to learn more about bikram yoga watch the clip below (you'll have to copy and paste the link into the browser since i can't figure out how to add a link within the text yet) my practice has given me a clear mind and the ability to let go of the little fussy stuff & and some big stuff too....not to mention that i feel better & stronger than ever before. when i leave class i feel like every cell in my body is alive, awake, and doing the happy dance. swooper!!!!
cut and paste the link below to see a clip from a bikram yoga class here in austin at yogagroove. the instructor in the clip is rebecca jordan. since taking class at yogagroove, she has become a true inspiration and good friend of mine.
the picture above is of sara eubanks another friend and instructor at yogagroove. this is sara's amazing version of the standing bow pulling pose. that is simply beautiful!!!!
the website for the studio is