fiesta art fair...

a mention in glasstire...YAY!!!

fiesta, what an awesome show and fun weekend. thank you san antonio!!!. i was super psyched and flattered to get an honorable mention award.  it came with a rad colorful pinata to hang in my booth. gotta love a pinata!! they have a really charming gallery on the campus of the southwest school of art. go see it if you're in san antonio. clare watters, the curator, has such a wonderful eye for amazing work.


i love this guy. when i see this fella floating around on the internet he always makes me smile. but this makes me laugh out loud :O)

chris said he's gonna make me stickers that say "huggers be huggin" since i'm such a hugger. you can get this fella on t-shirts, stickers or as a print from these are things.

polyp bloom bracelet

new bracelet design: simplicity bracelet with red poppy bloom

sterling, glass beads, filament

recent necklaces

               pretty deep green epidote with quartz crystals simplicity necklace

this is probably one of my  favorite of all the variety mineral stones out there!!!

                                         new color bar pendant: lazer lime

  chalcedony rosette drusy single pendant: i couldn't capture it in the photo but

                           this stone has a wonderful drusy sparkly surface.