the collection...

the collection of fun things we have in the baby room.

just a few more days until my due date....monday, august 15th.

we're so excited and ready to meet our little plum.

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wall sculpture by margaret meehan

orange debri by conrad bakker

pale pink dumy doll from my momma

sloth painting by michael sieben

chris' stuffed animal puppy from when he was youngster

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pale pink dollie by jade walker

black plush scupture by margaret meehan

sophie giraffe from my aunt & uncle

cornelius the crocheted yellow monster

princess pickle finger puppet by christa mares of yellow baby

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painting by ashley g

peach dollie by jade walker

owl rattle from jay and anastasia

floppy eared plush: thrift find

finger puppet by christa mares of yellow baby 

glass lamp: ikea

black rubber piggy bank we bought in japan

leo the lion stuffie from st. lou friend, margret

mobile from future perfect

and chris made her an awesome crib.





this is made out of industrial felt. wouldn't ya like to find an open space for this to exist in your home. i love it!!! images by hikogen

bite of cakepop


these are too fun. i'll have to make these asap. she has tons of cute themed ones too, but i always fall for the plain-ol-jane-monochromatic version =)  find more cakepops from bakerella here.

thanks mom, for introducing these to me!

pill letter...



love these :)  my addiction of miniature gets me everytime! wish they sold 'em in smaller quantity.

found here

pots everday...





these pictures of ayumi horie's pots in everday life give me a chuckle. some of these have become her annual postcard. see more of her pots in use here.


squeeze 'em


i wanna love 'em & squeeze 'em and call him george. wish i could bring this little mini feller in my house and keep him as a pet :O) is that wrong?

illustration by arcadianfolklore

carrion bloom

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this bloom is incredible. our friends, eric and rachel, gave us this carrion plant before they moved to new york last month and it put on this stellar bloom yesterday. i've never seen a carrion bloom before. i was thrilled. i wish i would have taken the camera outside before it opened.  earlier in the day, on my way to doing something i else i glanced over and noticed it looked like a balloon and just a few hours later it looked like this. i hope to capture the balloon pod phase in a photo next time around.

display with aqua cabbage patch...


i found these aqua cabbage patch kid shoes in the left foreground that i am using to display some bubble and filigree earrings at an antique store a while back.  i bought them thinking i would cut them up and use the yummy aqua plastic in a few rings/necklaces.....honestly, folks...i just don't have what it takes to cut into them.  i have cut up uncountable number of objects for the sake of "the fun and quirky" but i just can't with these.  guess, i'll just love them just as they are, if that makes me a weinee, sobeit!!!